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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
political asylum
▪ The family was finally granted political asylum in the United States.
▪ Her parents were granted political asylum in the United States in 1948 following a Communist coup in Czechoslovakia.
▪ In 1991, 12.6 percent of political asylum requests were granted.
▪ In addition the report criticised the United Kingdom government for rejecting since 1985 requests for political asylum from almost 7,000 Sri Lankan nationals.
▪ Most received political asylum in other countries, but others were killed by the security forces.
▪ Mr RuizMassieu recently requested political asylum.
▪ Nor does it make any bones about the fact that its heroine's claim for political asylum is bogus.
▪ The Foreign Ministry said it had not received any immediate request for political asylum.
▪ The Korbel family was granted political asylum in the United States in 1948, at a time when Albright was 11.
political asylum

n. The protection, by a sovereign state, of a person who is persecuted in his own country for his political opinions or activity

Political Asylum (2011 film)

"Political Asylum" is a short film created by Giacomo Mantovani in 2011. The production was completed in 12 days by a cast and crew of 7 people, on location in the central London. The short garnered its first award at the 242 Movie TV contest "Creativi per Costituzione", which was about the Constitution of Italy.

Usage examples of "political asylum".

He began a conversation about the INS's guidelines for political asylum.

If the Federation is disposed to grant them political asylum, and if they choose to accept it, we shall not contest the issue.

But as soon as this process started, the United States began to subsidize them, and to a lesser extent, grabbed everyone they could, offering them political asylum and citizenship, a good salary, and a chance to continue their work in a free capitalist society.

If the Federation isdisposed to grant them political asylum, and if theychoose to accept it, we shall not contest the issue.

Frank Harrington looked round the table and said, 'It would be worth a lot to them to have Bernard there asking for political asylum.